"For me, you're only a little boy just like a hundred thousand other little boys and i have no need of you. And you have no need of me either. For you i'm only a fox, just like a hundred thousand other foxes.
but if you tame me, my life will be filled with sunshine. i'll know the sound of footsteps that will be different from all the rest. Other people's footsteps would send me underground, but yours will call me out of my burrow like music. And if you tame me, we'll need each other. You'll be the only boy in the world for me. i'll be the only fox in the world for you
i'd say
normally you'd be the rose. but i like the fox better. plus the rose is a total bitch and hella annoying. the fox is much more chill
I want To be yours
i wanna be y
"you see the wheat fields over there?" said the fox. "i don't eat bread. so for me wheat is of no use whatsoever. wheat fields mean nothing to me, which is kinda sad. But you, you have hair the color of gold, so it will be wonderful once you've tamed me! the wheat, which is golden, will remind me of you all the time. and i'll love the sound of the wind in the wheat..."
"but you have to be very patient," the fox said. "first you'll sit down a little ways away from me, over there, in the grass. i'll watch you out of the corner of my eye, and you won't say anything. language is the source of misunderstandings and arguments anyways. but day by day, you'll sit a little bit closer... and it would also be better to return at the same time," the fox said. " for instance, if you come at four in the afternoon, i'll begin to be happy by three. and the closer it gets to four, the happier i'll feel. by four i'll be all excited and worried. but if you come at any old time, i'll never know when i should prepare my heart for you